What to Look For if You Think You Have DVT

Deep vein thrombosis is a blood condition where a blood clot develops in your vein. This condition can occur anywhere in the body but is most common in the legs. If left untreated, these blood clots can cause problems like pulmonary embolism. Fortunately, deep vein thrombosis can be treated and can prevent serious problems from […]
Using Compression Stockings to Treat Varicose Veins

One in five adults suffers from varicose veins. For some, it is merely a cosmetic issue, but for most, it is an extremely painful medical condition. Thankfully, different forms of treatments are available to reduce the adverse side effects of varicose veins. One of the most effective treatments is compression stockings. Here’s everything you need […]
What factors are involved in the formation of varicose veins?

Varicose veins are bluish-purple veins that are seen or felt underneath the skin. They are dilated veins that, if left untreated, could result in deep vein thrombosis or serious blood clots. Around one in three people suffer from varicose veins, so it is a very common disorder that can happen to anyone. Main Causes of […]
7 Tips to Prevent DVT When Sitting For Long Periods of Time

Deep vein thrombosis is a condition that can occur when a person sits down for an extended period of time, leading to poor circulation in their legs. This causes the blood to thicken and become solidified, causing a blood clot. This condition is particularly common in legs, but could occur elsewhere in the body, like […]
What Are Common Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis?

There are primary veins that work to return blood from your limbs back to your heart and lungs. This blood circulation keeps our bodies healthy by delivering essential nutrients and ensuring vital functionalities. When a blood clot forms in our veins, this can block the necessary circulation of blood passing through our body. If there […]
What causes aching legs at night?

If you are asking yourself “Why are my legs aching?” or wondering why your legs ache when lying down, this post is for you! Aching Legs at Night Aching legs usually occur because you are inactive for long periods of time, such as during work or study. Sitting still for a long time puts pressure […]
What is vein ablation?

Learn more about leg vein ablation In some people, varicose veins are so uncomfortable and troublesome that they may be willing to undergo an invasive surgical procedure in order to eliminate them. Fortunately, there is a less-invasive treatment option available: leg vein ablation. Self-described as the “smaller, safer brother of the laser”, this non-surgical procedure […]
Why do I have a burning sensation in leg below knee?

Learn more about how a burning sensation in legs could be a sign of venous disease. Unless you’ve suffered from it personally, the thought of having varicose veins and spider veins is surely something that would make most people run in the opposite direction. But there are many people who have them without even realizing […]
Can spider veins cause blood clots?

Learn more about spider veins, including what they are, when to worry about spider veins, and how they can lead to dangerous blood clots. In the world of veins, spider veins are not very big. They tend to be small and often red or blue in color. These tiny, thread-like blood vessels typically appear on […]
Venous stasis ulcers: What they are, risk factors, and treatment

The shedding and replenishing of the outer layer of skin is a normal, everyday process. However, when your skin becomes too thin, it can lead to venous ulceration and you should consult with a doctor or medical expert. What are venous stasis ulcers? Venous stasis ulcers are the most prevalent category of ulcer. They typically […]