Circulation is the key to a healthy body, and when you’re overweight or obese, circulation becomes difficult. In addition to other health concerns related to carrying extra weight- things like diabetes, infertility, arthritis and depression- there’s an additional health concern that many aren’t aware of: venous disease.
Venous disease causes painful, unsightly
spider veins,
varicose veins and venous ulcers in addition to
life-threatening blood clots. A family history of vein problems, being overweight or obese, or having varicose veins and other risk factors such as age or genetics may all signal that it’s time to talk with your doctor about weight loss strategies.
Varicose veins and obesity: How do they link?
There are many different contributing factors to venous disease like varicose veins, spider veins, and venous ulcers, obesity is one of the biggest ones. When you’re overweight, it puts a lot of pressure on your veins, which can cause them to bulge and become varicose. As time goes on, the larger veins in your leg become increasingly more strained, and the blood pools in them due to valve insufficiency. This prevents the blood from flowing upward towards the heart, which can cause a lot of different problems like heaviness, aching, swelling, pain, itching, and more. Some patients even experience leg cramps and restless legs.
Varicose veins weight loss: Does weight loss help varicose veins?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to treat varicose veins will vary depending on the individual’s situation. However, losing weight is often recommended as a way to help reduce the symptoms of venous disease, as it can help to relieve some of the pressure that is put on the veins.
Will weight loss reverse varicose veins?
If you’re wondering “will varicose veins go away with weight loss,” weight loss will not make your varicose veins go away or reverse them, but it will help them to not worsen and also to prevent new ones from forming. Varicose veins may actually become more noticeable as you lose weight. However, there are treatments for those veins, such as the treatments offered at Kafri Wellness Clinic.
If you are overweight or obese and are experiencing symptoms of venous disease, talk to your doctor about weight loss strategies that may be right for you. There are many different ways to lose weight, and your doctor can help you find one that is safe and healthy for you. Losing even just a few pounds can make a big difference in your symptoms, and may help you look and feel better.
Can losing weight help varicose veins?
Losing weight is not a cure-all for varicose veins, but it can help to improve symptoms that come with carrying extra weight. One of the best ways to lose weight and combat those spider or varicose veins may be by engaging in regular physical activity as well as eating healthy foods.
Visit A San Diego Vein Specialist
If you suffer from varicose veins, spider veins, or have other vein or circulation issues, you should consult with a medical professional. At
Kafri Wellness Clinic, we have over 25+ years of experience working with patients to address varicose veins and spider veins. We also take into consideration a cardiovascular approach towards your treatment to give you as much insight into your health as possible. If you’d like to schedule a consultation to learn how we can help you, please
contact us today!