Learn about what causes feet to turn black
Are you wondering why your feet are darkening? You understandably would be concerned that this may be a serious health issue and no doubt are looking for answers. In this post, we’ll go through causes that can lead to your feet turning black.
Veins conditions leading to darkening: Why feet turn black & toes get dark
For people with fair skin, vein conditions can often lead to issues such as:
- Feet darker than skin
- Toes darker than rest of foot
- The bottom of feet turning black
- Swollen dark feet or blackened feet
- Black feet soles
- Black legs, black feet etc.
These conditions can also lead to darker toes. Some causes for toes turning black include vein conditions such as varicose veins.
Varicose Veins
Darkened feet are often a side effect of varicose veins. Varicose veins are bloated, swollen, and/or bulging surface veins caused by underlying vein disease where the vein isn’t strong enough to work correctly and blood can pool in your legs. This pooling typically leads to swelling. Sometimes, red blood cells will leak from the varicose veins and may end up in your feet. These blood cells have red pigment that turns black over time, turning the area black and resulting in a swollen black foot, darkened feet, black feet, or darkened legs.
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
Another vein condition that may be leading to blackened feet or darkened legs is Peripheral Arterial Disease or PAD. This is when fat and cholesterol build up in your arteries, narrowing them and reducing your blood flow. If you have PAD, less oxygen rich blood may reach your legs or feet. If you are suffering from PAD, you aren’t likely to experience swelling like you would with varicose veins. Also, your feet are likely to feel cold or even numb.
Smoking leads to skin color changes
Darkening legs or feet can also be attributed to smoking. There are chemicals in cigarettes that speed up the aging process and lead to skin changes like uneven skin tone. Nicotine, a substance in cigarettes that makes them addicting, also constricts blood vessels, which restricts the blood flow to your arms, hands, legs, and feet. If you already have vein issues like varicose veins or worse, smoking is especially dangerous.
Other causes of darkening feet
Other culprits that may be leading to the darkening of feet or legs could be cancer and eczema. When eczema manifests on your feet, it can lead to a changing in your skin tone. Venous eczema or stasis dermatitis also may change the color of your legs or feet and cause them to swell up and feel dry and itchy. A common symptom is a swollen black foot.
Kaposi’s sarcoma is a rare form of cancer which forms in lymph and blood vessels. It can make the skin on your feet look darker from the lesions that accompany this condition.
Why are my feet turning black! Can Kafri help?
If you have black feet, darkened legs, noticed that the bottom of your feet look black, or think you have leg vein issues, it’s time to seek professional help. At Kafri Wellness Clinic, we have over 25+ years of experience working with patients. We also take into consideration a cardiovascular approach toward your treatment to give you as much insight into your health as possible. Contact us today!