Why do my legs ache at night?

Why do my legs ache at night

Learn more about the causes of leg pain at night

Do you find yourself tossing and turning due to sore legs at night? Do you ask yourself why do your legs hurt? Is the feeling of aching legs at night making it impossible to fall asleep? In this article, we’ll discuss some causes of leg pain at night and help you get an answer to the question “Why do my legs ache and hurt at night?”

Musculoskeletal pain


When you are tired, certain movements can cause your muscles to cramp up. A lack of movement, like holding the same position for a lengthy period of time, can also trigger cramps. Other causes of muscle cramps include dehydration and low salt levels.

Inflammation of muscles/tendons

Your muscles heal themselves at night, and a sore or inflamed muscle or tendon may be just that. If there is a sharper pain in your muscles at night, it may be that you have a serious muscle injury that has gone unnoticed during the day. If this is the case, you should see a medical professional.

Bone Fracture

A bone fracture would result in a pain that would not lessen when you lay down, unlike stress fractures which should feel a little better when your weight isn’t on the bone. If you fractured a bone, you would likely know exactly when the injury occured and should see a doctor.

Circulation pain

Blood clots

If you recently sat for a long time, such as while traveling, or just don’t get much exercise, soreness along with your legs aching at night may be caused by a blood clot. Symptoms of blood clots include abnormal redness, leg pain that is not throbbing, feeling warm, swelling, and a blood clot that would only impact one leg. If you think you have a blood clot, see a doctor immediately.

Vein issues

Poor circulation, weakened veins, and leaky valves can lead to varicose veins, which are enlarged and swollen veins. Throughout the day, the pressure on your legs can increase when your veins aren’t working correctly. At night, you may feel an aching pain in your legs as a result.

Some things that might help with varicose veins include:

  • Exercises like leg raises or just working out to get your blood pumping
  • Elevating your legs
  • Compression stockings
  • Professional help

Artery disease

When there isn’t enough blood getting to your feet, it can result in pain in your leg muscles. If your leg muscles hurt at night, this can be alleviated by putting your legs over the side of the bed or standing, which sends blood to the feet due to gravity. Artery disease is associated with smokers, diabetics, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and the elderly.

Medical conditions

Nerve pain

Sleeping in certain positions can lead to nerve pain, which may be bad enough to wake you up and keep you up. Moving your legs for a bit should help the pain to go away. If that isn’t enough, your medical professional can help with other treatments. If you have nerve pain during the day too, you’ll want to see a doctor.


Pregnant women typically have sore feet and legs as a result of carrying more weight than normal. Additionally, your uterus putting pressure on your veins, partially blocking them from carrying blood to your legs and feet, which can cause swelling and soreness. Stretching, massage, and light exercise can all help with these issues.


Gout is a disease where pain and inflammation occur due to too much uric acid crystallizing and depositing in the joints. Symptoms of gout include severe pain, redness, and swelling in joints, often the big toe. Gout attacks can come suddenly, often at night.

Vein Treatment San Diego

If you suffer from leg pain at night, it is best to speak to a professional. If you’re constantly asking yourself,  “Why do my legs ache at night,” or “Why do my legs hurt,” it could be a symptom of a more serious medical condition. You should discuss these issues with your doctor right away. If the aches aren’t too painful, we still recommend seeing a medical professional as treatments are available to alleviate the pain. At Kafri Wellness Clinic, we have over 25+ years of experience working with patients. We also take into consideration a cardiovascular approach towards your treatment to give you as much insight into your health as possible. Contact us today!

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