What food to avoid for varicose veins

What food to avoid for varicose veins

If you suffer from varicose veins, you likely experience discomfort and possibly pain on a regular basis.

While there are treatments for varicose veins, and there are remedies to help ease your discomfort and pain, simply making some lifestyle adjustments can also go a long way to help with your varicose veins.

One of these lifestyle adjustments that you can make to lead to better vein health and to ease your pain and discomfort from varicose veins is to eat healthier. Some foods actually make varicose veins worse. In this post, we’ll go through some food to avoid with varicose veins:

Salt: Too much salt in your diet can lead to water retention, which can then put more pressure on your veins and make them bulge. Low salt options have seen a rise in popularity in recent years and are a good alternative for those with vein issues.

Fried foods: Many fried foods are high in salt and fat, both of which can contribute to worse varicose veins. If you do want to fry foods, try using a healthier oil like olive oil.

Canned foods: Canned foods are often high in sodium, which can lead to worse varicose veins. If you want to eat canned foods, look for varieties that are labeled “no salt added” or “low sodium.”

Refined or simple carbohydrates: Foods like white bread, white rice, and pastries are made with refined or simple carbohydrates. These foods can cause your blood sugar to spike and then crash, which can lead to inflammation and worsened varicose veins.

Added sugars: Foods with a lot of added sugar can also cause your blood sugar to spike and then crash, leading to inflammation and varicose veins. Be sure to check food labels for added sugars like high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, and more.

Alcohol: Drinking too much alcohol can also lead to dehydration, which then causes your veins to work harder as they try to transport blood throughout

San Diego Vein Specialists

If you are concerned about your vein health, it’s worth seeing a vein specialist for a consultation.

If you suffer from varicose veins or spider veins, we may recommend considering having a procedure done, such as EVLT. If you are considering such a procedure, contact Kafri Wellness Clinic to schedule an evaluation and get more information.

At Kafri Wellness Clinic, we have over 25+ years of experience working with patients to address vein issues. We also take into consideration a cardiovascular approach to your treatment to give you as much insight into your health as possible.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation to learn how we can help you, please contact us today!

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